Datacenters consume 2% of US energy and 165B gallons of water annually. Co-Flow is a new concept for the exchange of water and cooling between datacenters and WRRFs. We present an innovative wastewater treatment, water recycling and cooling system specifically developed to eliminate potable water use and reduce carbon footprints.
Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participant will be able to understand datacenter water use and the opportunities for minimizing/optimizing the water and energy demands of this infrastructure using recycled water.
Upon completion, participant will be able to evaluate a novel process intensification and water reuse flowsheet for wastewater treatment plants, comparing advanced primary + secondary biofiltration with conventional MBR treatment.
Learn about the challenges and opportunities of creative public-private partnerships in upgrading of wastewater treatment infrastructure for water reuse, renewable energy utilization and other unique synergies between WRRFs and datacenters,