Many water systems are familiar with Ozone but most WRFs are not. Most facilities use CL2 gas or Hypo and some have switched to PAA to avoid Dechlorination. Many WRFs have switched to UV for disinfection just to avoid chemical deliveries, handling, storage, spills and secondary containment . Since Ozone is atop the oxidant list, a little can be combined with processes like BAC Filtration for Enhanced reduction of PHCPs, EDCs, Pesticides and Solvents / Synthetic chemicals. This paper will introduce attendees to the basics of Ozone generation and UV equipment focused on Higher Doses for Reuse Quality effluent.
By combining these technologies, we avoid most chemical shipments to the WRFs. Many facilities can use their older CL2 Contact Tanks or an old process tank onsite to enhance Ozone uptake for pre-oxidation ofcontaminants that chlorine would create carcinogenic DBPs if used instead.
High dose UV can also break some compounds apart photolytically with UV-C energy especially after the UV Transmittance is enhanced by O3 oxidation. Depending on the flow rates, Ozone generators can be very compact and fit well with indirect potable reuse plants, so a user friendly purification upgrade can now be managed by utilities looking to create OneWater that local industry or other municipal reuse systems desire.
Learning Objectives:
Ozone and UV can enhance your effluent for IDPR or possibly DPR
Get a feel for the O&M requirements of electrical systems used to harness chemistry to purify wastewater effluent
Hear about other utilities that have pioneered the use of these technologies for many years now to optimize their water works and avoid wasting potable water for beneficial options.
Many facilities, both large and small are considering how to implement effluent reuse in their communities due to drought and other pressures .
This seminar will introduce the attendees to 2 technologies that can afford long term value, low carbon footprint and enhance a dwindling resource to create a OneWaterCycle community..
Discuss how ozone and UV can be added into their plant using existing space to enhance the reuse and recycling of their effluent