Senior Business Development Manager Anser Advisory Management LLC La Palma
Leadership is challenging and rewarding work. But as leaders, we don’t always escape the work unscathed. With deep change comes uncertainty, and not-knowing can evoke feelings of discomfort, fear, self-doubt and shame. In this experiential session, participants will learn the art of mindful self-compassion and how it can support their whole-person development, including capacities integral to leadership. Participants will leave with tools and resources to support an ongoing practice of mindful self-compassion in their lives and leadership work.
Learning Objectives:
Understand what self-compassion is (and isn’t) and its usefulness in our daily lives and leadership practice.
Experience self-compassion around a topic or issue that is personally relevant.
Make shared meaning through a collaborative process of action and reflection.
Leave with practical tools and resources to continue cultivating a self-compassion practice on one’s own and with others.